Monday, November 17, 2008

The Beautiful Shop

' The Beautiful Shop ' the sign read,
'...welcome....welcome in'.
Through an open window
a butterfly , little , fluttered happily in .

For it spotted among the concrete jungle,
the thing it searched for hours .
The sign , among other things , also stated
'....we sell plastic flowers'.

Innocent , ignorant , patient , it tried ,
the flowers one by one.
So many flowers for so many hours ,
but with nectar none.

Unrewarded , it decided ,
to leave that garden dry ,
and start foraging once again ,
for somewhere else to try .

A fool that fell for plastic flowers ,
an exit could not find .
A task a little too complex
for an exact opposite mind .

Around the room it fluttered about
without a shade of a notion .
Of a ceiling fan ... metallic blades ,
and their rapid circular motion.

Sunlight on a splash of colors ,
colors of every shade .
On unreal flowers in full blossom
and a real butterfly dead.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is beautiful.

Work on it and refine it a little more.

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